It's Natalie again and today I will show you how to make a hairstyle perfect for gymnastics, ballet, and more. There is two ways to do this style.
First, you need to put the hair in a high ponytail and tie it off with an elastic. Take the hair and twist/coil. Wrap the hair around until you have a bun. It might look sloppy. Tuck the hair under the elastic and push in bobby pins if the bun is sloppy. If you want to add extra stuff, tie a ribbon around the bun.
Here's another way to make the style. make a high ponytail but do not tie of with an elastic. Just start coiling and twisting it. then take an elastic and tie it off over the bun. Add a ribbon if wanted. I hope you have fun with this hairstyle!
You can use this on a friend or a doll. Enjoy!
First of all, what in the world is a tween? A tween is a child who is either 10, 11, or 12. Hey, everyone! I'm Natalie and this is my blog- A Tween Girl's World! I will post about extraordinary places I have been and places that I would like to visit. I enjoy life and you should, too! Make the best out of you!! So I encourage you to GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE and get active, do great things, and more! -Natalie
What is your favorite doll company?
About Me
- Natalie Wheeling
- I am a tween who is ready to take on the world and make a good difference!
Thanks for the tips! I'm your biggest fan!!